Key Safety and Quality System Elements

Safety and Quality Systems 

The Safety of employees, contractors, and visitors must be the highest expectation of a successful operation.  Businesses that do not emphasize the importance of establishing a culture of Safety are often burdened with morale issues, efficiency and financial losses, and even legal/regulatory penalties.

Process Safety concerns the risks associated with physical processes that can result in both human injury and asset losses.  Some operations that involve heavy processing, high pressures or temperatures, or high speed equipment require thorough risk-management procedures to ensure physical and human assets are protected.

I work with my clients to assess and improve their Safety Management Systems, through focus on the effectiveness of the systems elements.

The term Quality Systems covers much important work in Consumer Goods Operations.  From governance by regulatory bodies to 6-sigma doctrines, there are a variety of systems that Manufacturers must diligently utilize to not only comply with legal obligations, but to ensure that Consumers are satisfied with their product, and enable the growth of the business.

In highly regulated categories such as Food and Pharmaceuticals, these systems can be complex and perceived as burdensome by the Organizations.  There are often opportunities to improve the efficiency of executing the requirements of these systems.

As Statistical Process Control has evolved into present day methods, one thing has remained the same:  to be effective in achieving their purpose, Quality Systems must be focused on critical performance measures.  From Finished Goods Standards to Pest Control Measures, there are many metrics that reflect on the capability of the Organization to deliver Quality.  The best benefit of a good Quality System is the Organization’s focus on its performance and efforts to improve it.